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Useful information:

esempio di stampa di etichette industriali con codice a barre

Security seals are devices that allow you to quickly check whether certain products are correctly closed and sealed or have been opened without authorization.

If such a seal is tampered with, the goods will be open with the risk of contamination or partial or complete theft.

What are security seals used for?

Security seals are used for boxes, trucks, containers for sterile goods, drums, etc. They can be customized with the logo requested by the customer, or with barcodes, matrix codes, etc.

There are various types and each is best suited to a particular container.

The type of seal is chosen based on the temperature of the place where the container will be placed, the way in which the numbering of the safety seal will be recorded and the way in which it will have to be removed: manually or with a cutter.

Why choose labels produced by Alkam?

The Alkam company has been producing adhesive tamper-proof security seals for years, made with cutting-edge technologies.

They are attentive to traceability and safety and have specialized in RFID technology which is used for the identification and traceability of products.

The company also produces labels with a guarantee seal, ideal for high-value goods. They are easy to apply to any type of surface. They also produce holographic labels that are impossible to copy or self-destructing, should someone try to tamper with them

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Other types of labels

esempio di stampa di etichette industriali con codice a barre

Promotional labels

Promotional labeling and packaging are among the last steps to be taken before the product ends up at the point of sale.

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Multipage labels

Multi-page labels: maintain tackiness while reducing thickness

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Anti-counterfeiting labels

Protect the quality of your products with anti-counterfeiting labels.

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Honey labels

Honey labels

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Durable labels

Durable labels, able to withstand the elements without peeling off the product.

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Braille labels

With Braille Labels you expand your world of products even to those who are visually impaired.

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Liquor labels

Enhance the aromas of liqueurs with suitable labels.

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Oil labels

Customizable oil labels.

esempio di stampa di etichette industriali con codice a barre

Security seals

Safety seals allow you to quickly check whether a product is contaminated.

esempio di stampa di etichette industriali con codice a barre

Tamper-evident labels

Protect your products with tamper-evident labels.

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RFID labels

Rfid labels for product safety.

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Open and Close labels

Customized open and close applicable to any type of surface and with different degrees of stickiness.

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