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Useful information:

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Making excellent braille labels, which do not come off at the first gust of wind and last for a long time, is not at all simple.

After all, these are quite specific labels, which require particular care in their creation.

It would be enough to change a single detail to distort the meaning of what is written on the label. Not only that: quality is also of great importance, since if the label was glued to the product too weakly and came off, it would be of no use.

For this reason, it is not advisable to turn to companies that do not guarantee high quality of attachment or that cannot create Braille labels in a suitable and precise manner.

Instead, it is better to contact companies like Alkam, a label manufacturer that for many years has offered its customers the possibility of purchasing labels of various types and sizes, among which Braille labels occupy a particular place.

If you need labels of this kind, you could contact the Alkam staff to advise them on the best solutions.

The team itself will suggest the best size of the label, the color, how to create the surface of the label and so on. Alkam professionals are able to carry out the entire job at 360°, also in relation to the particularities of the product that needs to be sold, the brand and other factors.

All this because various experts work in the company with the right creativity and competence to give life to the most particular products.

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Other types of labels

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Promotional labels

Promotional labeling and packaging are among the last steps to be taken before the product ends up at the point of sale.

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Multipage labels

Multi-page labels: maintain tackiness while reducing thickness

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Anti-counterfeiting labels

Protect the quality of your products with anti-counterfeiting labels.

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Honey labels

Honey labels

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Durable labels

Durable labels, able to withstand the elements without peeling off the product.

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Braille labels

With Braille Labels you expand your world of products even to those who are visually impaired.

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Liquor labels

Enhance the aromas of liqueurs with suitable labels.

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Oil labels

Customizable oil labels.

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Security seals

Safety seals allow you to quickly check whether a product is contaminated.

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Tamper-evident labels

Protect your products with tamper-evident labels.

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RFID labels

Rfid labels for product safety.

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Open and Close labels

Customized open and close applicable to any type of surface and with different degrees of stickiness.

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